Bialystok Interphoto 2021

October 05, 2021

September became a very busy month.

I have been honoured to curate the exhibition of art photography by Evgeniy Pavlov. In frames of the INTERPHOTO Festival, 2021 was shown his series "Total Photography."

If you would like to see artworks of this amazing artist, please follow this link:


The most exciting and interesting exhibitions (in my personal subjective opinion) were:

- Exhibition "Theme 011" by Gvido Kajons (curator: Maira Dudareva)

- Exhibition "ID-Tentity" by students of the Film School Lodz (teacher: Hubert Humka)

- Exhibition "Poetry of Everyday. Czech Post-War Avant-Garde Photography" (curator: Štěpánka Bieleszová) 

From the finalists of the Grand Prix, I would like to highlight works by Zuzana Pustaiova, Agata Skupniewicz and John Anderson (you can easily Google them and/or find at instagram).

Grand Prix received project by Ukrainian photographer Igor Chekachkov.

To get more information about the events that took place in frames of the festival follow this link:

Also, you may follow the Festival in Facebook and Instagram.



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