Valentyn Odnoviun. Ukrainian living in Vilnius, Lithuania.

During the last few years, research has been mainly linked with historical or socially engaged events and problems through the "abstract"-looking image, working with the viewer's imagination to create more concrete communication with the help of interpretation and conceptual thinking.

Photographs in the latest projects question the relation between what we see and perceive in advance of the act of recognition. These photographs, as patterns and traces, emphasise the borders not only of human perception but the border where the consequences of human action meet reason.





Currently working on PhD dissertation: "Intersections among Ukrainian, Lithuanian, Latvian, Polish and Czechoslovak Art Photographers from 1960s to early 1990s."


Member of the Association of Lithuanian Art Photographers since 2018

"Artist Creator" status granted by the Ministry of Culture of Lithuania.


2024-2026 - Expert at the Lithuanian Council for Culture



2019-till present - Lithuanian Culture Research Institute, PhD in Theory and History of Arts (Lithuania)

2016-2019 - Vilnius Academy of Arts, MA in Theory and History of Arts (Lithuania)

2017-2018 - Academy of Fine Arts, Munich, Visual Arts (Germany)

2015-2016 - Academy of Fine Arts, Lodz, Visual Arts (Poland)

2014-2016 - Vilnius Academy of Arts, MA in Photography and Media Arts (Lithuania)

2005-2010 - H.S. Skovoroda Kharkiv National Pedagogical University, BA, MA, Teacher of Literature and English Language (Ukraine)

2004-2005 - Kharkiv Polygraphy School N26, Pre-press Operator (Ukraine)



- Designing a Collaborative Connected Liberal Arts Classroom, Central European University, Budapest, Hungary

- Academic Writing and Presentation Skills, Atlantic Language School, Galway, Ireland

- Teaching Strategies in Photography, Forum Fotografii i Multimediów, Białystok, Poland



2020.09 - till present - Photography, History of Photography, Vilnius Academy of Arts, Vilnius, Lithuania

2021.03 - 2024.03 - Visual Arts, European Humanities University, Vilnius, Lithuania



2023.10.27 - Co-organiser, 3rd section Moderator - International Academic Conference: To Prevent the Enemy from Winning: Art in the Information War, Lithuanian Culture Research Institute, Vilnius, Lithuania

2023.10.26 - Scholar Conference: "A Foreigner Turned Native: The Multifaceted Artistic Vilnius," paper: "Cross-Cultural Perspectives: Ukrainian and American Contributions to Lithuanian Photographic Heritage," Vilnius, Lithuania

2023 - Scientific publication - Odnoviun, Valentyn, Dissemination of Baltic Art Photography in Specialised Magazines in The 1960s - 1980s: "Sovetskoe Foto," "Revue Fotografie," "Fotografia" and "Foto," Menotyra, Vol 30 No 2 (2023), ISSN 1392-1002, Vilnius, Lithuania

2022 - Scientific publication - Odnoviun, Valentyn, Performance Art and Lithuanian Photography of the Late 1960s: Vitas Luckus and the Kaunas Pantomime Troupe, ed, Rita Repšienė, Vilnius: Lithuanian Culture Research Institute, 2022, ISSN 2029-8560, eISSN 2783-5529 - Sphairos: Cultural and Media Studies, 13, pp. 187-205, Vilnius, Lithuania

2021.10.28 - Participation in the Scientific Conference: Vizualinės medijos: Teorija it realybė, Lithuanian Culture Research Institute, Vilnius, Lithuania

2021.06.16-17 - Participation in the International Scientific Conference: Ideas and Materials: Cultural Hybridity of the Baltic and Other Regions, Art Academy of Latvia, Riga, Latvia



2021.10 - Author's Book "PW44," published by NoRoutine Books, ISBN 978-609-8216-11-0, Vilnius, Lithuania

2020.04 - Author's book: "Surveillance. A Typology of Oppression," publishers:, Lithuanian Culture Research Institute, ISBN 978-609-95181-9-0, Vilnius, Lithuania



Lithuanian National Art Museum, Vilnius, Lithuania

The Tatra Museum, Zakopane, Poland

NOMUS New Art Museum, Gdańsk, Poland

AkzoNobel Art Foundation, Amsterdam, The Netherlands

Menų Zona, Klaipėda, Lithuania

Lithuanian Art Photographers' Association, Vilnius, Lithuania



2024.12 - Nominee - Prix Pictet, nominated by Anastasia Chaguidouline, Geneve, Switzerland

2021.08 - Shortlist - Kranj Foto Fest, Kranj, Slovenia

2021.03 - Nominee - FOAM Paul Huf Award, nominated by Adam Mazur, Amsterdam, The Netherlands

2019.09 - Winner - Photolux Award, nominated by Lydia Dorner (Musée de l'Elysée, Lausanne), Lucca, Italy

2018.12 - Laureate - Lithuanian Art Photographers Association Award, Lithuania

2018.11 - Winner - Panasonic Reader's Choice Award. Bird in Flight Prize, Kyiv, Ukraine

2018.10 - Nominee - Photography Grant, London, Great Britain

2018.06 - 1st place - Krakow Photomonth Portfolio Review, Krakow, Poland

2018.06 - Public Choice Award - "MyEstonia?" competition by NOAR, Tallinn, Estonia

2018.05 - Shortlist - Kolga Photo Award 2018, Tbilisi, Georgia

2018.04 - Laureate - DEBUTS 2018, Warsaw, Poland

2018.04 - Nominee - Riga Photography Biennial Awards 2018, Riga, Latvia

2018.02 - Honorary Mention - PIC Förderpreis SELECTED 2018, Neuss, Germany

2017.12 - 1st place - World Biennial of Student Photography, Novi Sad, Serbia

2017.11 - Nominee - Warsaw Photo Days Grand Prix, Warsaw, Poland

2017.11 - Nominee - Different Worlds 2017, Ljubljana, Slovenia

2017.10 - Nominee - Photography Grant, London, Great Britain

2017.09 - Grand Prix Award - INTERPHOTO GRAND PRIX 2017, Bialystok, Poland

2017.05 - Nominee - Walter Koschatzky Art Award 2017, Vienna, Austria

2016.12 - 1st place - Debiutas Award for Emerging Art Photographers, Vilnius, Lithuania

2016.10 - Shortlist - Baltic Young Artist Award 2016, Riga, Latvia


2024.09.17-2025.02.28 - Echoes of the Unseen, PALACE Museum, Zakopane, Poland

2024.02.24 - Surveillance, Lentvaris Culture Centre, Lentvaris, Lithuania

2023.09.08-2024.03.10 - Echoes of the Unseen, NOMUS New Art Museum, Gdańsk, Poland

2022.11 - Surveillance, Plungė Photography Biennial. Plungė, Lithuania

2022.07 - PW44, Thomas Mann Festival, Nida, Lithuania

2022.03 - Consecutive Fixation, in frames of the ENTER'20 Media Festival, Šiauliai Art Gallery, Šiauliai, Lithuania

2022.03 - Surveillance, PW44, Architecture of Evidence, The Notice Board United Gallery, Great Brittain

2022.02 - Action Signs of Solidarity with Ukraine, Vilnius Academy of Arts, Vilnius and Kaunas Departments, Raudondvaris mansion, Lithuania

2021.12 - Consecutive Fixation, KCCC Exhibition Hall, Klaipėda, Lithuania

2021.08 - Surveillance, Kranj Foto Fest, Kranj, Slovenia

2020.10 - PW44, Prospekto Gallery, Vilnius, Lithuania

2019.09 - Horizons, INTERPHOTO 2019 Festival, Bialystok, Poland

2019.09 - Architecture of Evidence, Fotografie Galerie, Prague, Czech Republic

2019.04 - Surveillance, SRO Art Gallery of TTU, Lubbock, Texas, USA

2019.02 - In the Dark, Latvian Museum of Photography, Riga, Latvia

2018.05 - The Process, Flandernbunker Museum, Kiel, Germany

2017.12 - Surveillance, Cesis New Castle Exhibition Hall, Cesis, Latvia

2017.09 - Surveillance, gallery for art photography Stikliu, 4, Vilnius, Lithuania

2016.09 - Traces of Memory, Art gallery Akademija, Vilnius, Lithuania



2024.02 - War(N), WL4 Art Space, Gdansk, Poland

2023.12 - (Un)told. What Lies at the Basis of Photography and Memory, Academy of Fine Arts, Gdansk, Poland

2023.11 - Para Bellum II, ART39 gallery, Gdynia, Poland

2023.06 - Two Centuries of Lithuanian Photography, MCK (International Cultural Centre), Cracow, Poland

2022.11 - Tracing the Outlines of Ukrainian History: Louder, Radvila Palace Museum, Vilnius, Lithuania

2022.06 - Photography projections, Eyes-On Festival, Vienna, Austria

2022.05 - Photography projections, Circulations Festival, Paris, France

2022.03 - UKRAINA, Titanikas Gallery, Vilnius, Lithuania

2021.06 - Panoptikon, Långholmen Prison, Stockholm, Sweden

2021.05 - Lost Time, Odesa Photo Days Festival, Odesa, Ukraine

2021.04 - Ästhetik der Überwachung, Kunsthaus Raskolnikow, Dresden, Germany

2020.09 - Lost Time, Month of Lithuanian Photography in Kyiv, Kyiv, Ukraine

2020.09 - Photography Festival W Ramach Sopotu, curated by Adam Mazur, Sopot, Poland

2020.08 - Heterotopia, Experimental Visual Practices from Lithuania, EEP Berlin Gallery, Berlin, Germany

2019.10 - Museum of Now, Contemporary Art Exhibition, Berlin, Germany

2019.09 - Unseen Photography Fair, by Martin van Zomeren Gallery, Amsterdam, The Netherlands

2019.09 - Second Biennial of Young Art, Kharkiv, Ukraine

2019.06 - Dub Toasted Time, Martin van Zomeren Gallery, Amsterdam, The Netherlands

2019.05 - Final exhibition of the DEBUTS 2018 laureates, Krakow Photo Fringe 2019, Cracow, Poland

2019.02 - NUIT de la PHOTO, La Chaux-de-Fonds, Switzerland

2018.10 - MONUMENTA. The Intelligence of Many, Leipzig, Germany

2018.10 - Exhibition of the DEBUTS 2018 laureates, Vintage Photo Festival, Bydgoszcz, Poland

2018.09 - Chronometers, Klaipėda Culture Communication Center, Klaipeda, Lithuania

2018.09 - Exhibition of the DEBUTS 2018 laureates, Festival W Ramach Sopotu, Sopot, Poland

2018.07 - Tam Gdzie Teraz, Labirynt Gallery, Lublin, Poland

2018.06 - MyEstonia?, ArtVilnius'18 Contemporary Art Fair, Vilnius, Lithuania

2018.06 - Exhibition of the DEBUTS 2018 laureates, Fotofestiwal, Lodz, Poland

2018.06 - The Vivid Unknown, - Refugee Week Berlin, Germany

2018.05 - Kolga Tbilisi Photo 2018, Tbilisi, Georgia

2018.05 - Different Worlds, Photon Gallery, Vienna, Austria

2017.11 - World Biennial of Student Photography, Museum of Contemporary Arts of Vojvodina, Serbia

2017.11 - Warsaw Photo Days, Warsaw, Poland

2017.11 - Different Worlds, Young Contemporary Photography, Ljubljana, Slovenia

2017.09 - INTERPHOTO 2017 Festival, Bialystok, Poland

2017.06 - Auckland Festival of Photography, Auckland, New Zealand

2017.05 - Walter Koschatzky Kunstpreis. HOFSTALLUNGEN, by Rotary Club Albertina, Vienna, Austria

2017.05 - Kaunas Gallery Weekend 2017, Kaunas, Lithuania

2016.12 - Debiutas 2016, photo gallery Prospekto, Vilnius, Lithuania

2016.06 - Meno Celės, Art gallery Titanikas, Vilnius, Lithuania



2021.05; 2020.10; 2020.06; 2018.12 - Artist Scholarship - Lithuanian Council for Culture, Vilnius, Lithuania

2018.02 - Artist Scholarship Gaude Polonia - National Centre for Culture, Warsaw, Poland

2014.09 - Scholarship - Education Exchanges Support Foundation, Vilnius, Lithuania



2024.11 - Curator, VISIONS, the exhibition of Lithuanian art photographers from the 1930s to 1980s, Šiauliai Museum of Photography Šiauliai, Lithuania

2024.09 - Curator, Maksim Sarychau. Blind Spot, INTERPHOTO 2024 Festival, Białystok, Poland

2024.09 - Curator, VISIONS, the exhibition of Lithuanian art photographers from the 1930s to 1980s, in cooperation with the Šiauliai Museum of Photography. INTERPHOTO 2024 Festival, Białystok, Poland

2024.03.06 - Curator, Evgeniy Pavlov. Total Photography, 1990-1994, Photo gallery at Stikliu, 4, Vilnius, Lithuania

2022.04 - Co-curator, Outsiders' Views on Vilnius, National Art Gallery (NDG), Vilnius, Lithuania

2021.09 - Curator, Evgeniy Pavlov. Total Photography, 1990-1994, INTERPHOTO Festival, Bialystok, Poland

2018.10.30 - Organiser, Curator: Night of Photo Projections, TSEKH Gallery, Vilnius, Lithuania



2024.07 - PALACE Museum, Zakopane, Poland

2020.09 - W Ramach Sopotu Photography Residency, Sopot, Poland

2020.08 - ISSP Riga Residency, Riga, Latvia

2018.11 - Docking Station, Photography Residency, Amsterdam, The Netherlands

2016 - 2017 - RUCKA Artist Residency, Cesis, Latvia


2023.05 - Participation in Conference "Others" as Creators of New Understandings of Heritage, with Inclusive and Diverse Understanding of History and Cultural Identity and The Cross-Cultural Experiences of Outsiders and Their Contribution to the Re-evaluation and Re-interpretation of Lithuanian Heritage, European Humanities University, Vilnius, Lithuania

2023.04 - Lecture for the students of PhD. Hubert Humka, Film School in Łódź, Poland 

2023.01 - Lecture for the students of Prof. Grzegorz Jarmocewicz, Academy of Fine Arts in Gdańsk, Poland 

2022.11 - Open Lecture in frames of the Plungės fotobienalė. Plungė District Municipal Library. Plungė, Lithuania

2022.01.11 - Guest Lecture - KABK NetworkWeek, the Royal Academy of Arts, The Hague 

2021.09.30-10.01 - Presentation of the paper Correlation Between the Image and Its Reason at the International Symposium: A System Among Others? Power, Balance, Self-reflection on and with the Photographic Image. Organized by Landskrona Foto, Hasselblad Foundation and Lund University, Landskrona, Sweden

2020.09.11 - Artist Talk - Nida Photography Symposium 2020, Nida, Lithuania

2020.08.20 - "Surveillance. A Typology of Oppression" book presentation, Latvian Museum of Photography, Riga, Latvia

2020.08.18-21 - Moderator, Speaker - Kharkiv Photo Forum, Kharkiv, Ukraine

2020.08.13 - Artist Talk - ISSP Gallery, Riga, Latvia

2019.12.14 - Artist Talk - Seminar "Art and Holocaust," Kaunas, Lithuania

2019.11.17 - Open Lecture - Kaunas Art Book Fair, Kaunas, Lithuania

2019.10.31 - Open Lecture - Kharkiv State Academy of Design and Art, Kharkiv, Ukraine

2019.10.26 - Open Lecture - Seminar "Path of Egons Spuris," Ogre, Latvia

2019.03 - Artist Talk - Latvian Museum of Photography, Riga, Latvia

2018.05 - Artist Talk - Pix.House Photography Gallery, Poznan, Poland

2018.05 - Artist Talk - Department of Photography, University of Arts, Poznan, Poland

2017.11 - Artist Talk - Warsaw Photo Days, Warsaw, Poland

2017.11 - Artist Talk - Nida Photography Symposium 2017, 40th Anniversary, Lithuania

2017.03 - Open Lecture Post-Documentary - National Academy of Arts, Lviv, Ukraine



2021.09 - Dichotomy: East and West, Bialystok Interphoto 2021, catalogue of the 5th International Photography Festival, "Evgeniy Pavlov, Total Photography, 1990-1994," page not specified, ISBN 978-83-934184-3-5 Bialystok, Poland

2020.12 - Literatūra ir menas magazine, 3715/21 "Fotografija sovietmečiu: Lietuva-Charkovas" Vilnius, Lithuania

2020.11 - 7md art newspaper, article: "MOLPIK. Lietuvos fotografijos mėnuo Kijeve” Nr. 41 (1362), Vilnius, Lithuania

2020.08 - Kharkiv Photo Forum 2020 catalogue, p122-125, Kyiv, Ukraine

2020.01 - 7md art newspaper, article: "Ukrainiečių įniršis Klaipėdoje" Nr. 2 (1323), Vilnius, Lithuania



2024 - The War in Ukraine. Understanding Western Tools Short of War, editor Egle Murauskaite, Berlin, Boston: De Gruyter, 2024, cover image, p181, ISBN 9783111338941

2023 - Fotografija magazine, No1 (41), p. 28-35, Vilnius, Lithuania

2023 - Litwa. Dwa stulecia fotografii. Lithuania. Two Centuries of Photography, MCK, 2023, p.222-227, ISBN 987-83-66419-51-3, Cracow, Poland

2022 - Plungė Photography Biennial catalogue, Ukraina: vilties šviesoraštis, p. 14-15

2022 - Politologija academic magazine, vol. 2, special issue: State Visuality, Justinas Lingevičius, article: Ką girdėjo ir matė šios sienos? Represinių struktūrų pėdsakų rekonstrukcijos. Review of the PW44 and Surveillance. A Typology of Oppression books. Vilnius University Press, p. 165-173, ISSN 1392-1681, Lithuania

2022.05 - Dailė Magazine, article by Agnė Narušytė, "Įrodymai," Nr.87, p. 5-11, ISBN 9-770130-662003, Vilnius, Lithuania

2021.09 - Chronometrai. Įsivaizduoti laiką, arba chronopolitika, heterochronija ir greitėjančio pasaulio patirtys Lietuvos mene, book by Agnė Narušytė, Vilnius Academy of Arts Press, p. 61; 188-189; 525, ISBN 9-786094473135, Vilnius, Lithuania

2021.06 - Photographies magazine (by Routledge). Research Article. The Architecture of Lingering War  In Everyday Life: Photography at the Double Time of Military Apparatus. Agnė Narušytė. p. 241-242, Volume 14, Issue 2 (2021)

2021.04 - Ästhetik der Überwachung, exhibition catalogue, Tomasz Lewandowski, Kunsthaus Raskolnikow e. V., Gedenkstätte Bautzner Strasse Dresden und Autoren, p. 5-31; 62-63, ISBN 978-3-9816421-5-5, Dresden, Germany

2020.09 - Nuožmi taika: žlugusių režimų fotografija dokumentiniame kine, book by Natalija Arlauskaitė, Vilnius University Press, p37; 130-133, ISBN 978-609-07-0421-9, Vilnius, Lithuania

2020.09 - Fotograf magazine, #37/2020, Volume 19, p. 88,  ISBN 771213-961006, Prague, Czechia

2020.09 Frames of Sopot Photography Festival catalogue, Sopot, Poland

2020.08 - Kharkiv Photo Forum 2020 catalogue, p. 42, Kyiv, Ukraine

2020.06 - Literatūra ir menas magazine, 3706/12 Aistė Grajaustkaitė, interview, “Valentyn Odnoviun: „Didžiausią įtaką darė Lukys, Flusseris, Pollockas ir kriminalistikos ekspertai,“ Vilnius, Lithuania

2020.06 - 7md art newspaper, "Surveillance. A Typology of Oppression" book review, "Quis custodiet ipsos custodes? Apie Valentyno Odnoviuno knygą „Stebėjimas. Priežasties tipologija,”” Nr. 24 (1345), Vilnius, Lithuania

2020.03 - Outlaws and Spies, book by Conor McCarthy, Edinburgh University Press, cover photo, ISBN 978-14-744559-3-0, Edinburgh, Scotland

2019.11 - European Photography, magazine, No106, p72, ISBN 9-770172-702002, Berlin, Germany

2019.11 - Opera national de Paris, catalogue for the 2019-2020 season, p53, Paris, France

2019.11 - Photolux 2019, "New Worlds," magazine, p136-137; 156-157, Lucca, Italy

2019.10 - Museum of Now catalogue, p46-49, ISBN 9-783000-640001 Berlin, Germany

2019.10 - Second Biennial of Young Art catalogue, p70-73, Kharkiv, Ukraine

2019.09 - INTERPHOTO 2019 catalogue, ISBN 978-83-934184-2-8 Bialystok, Poland

2019.02 - NUIT de la PHOTO catalogue, La Chaux-de-Fonds, Switzerland

2018.11 - OSMOS Magazine, No16, November 2018, p54-59, New York, USA

2018.11 - HANT Magazine, November 2018, Erfurt, Germany

2018.09 - MONUMENTA. Intelligence of Many catalog, p32-33, September 2018, Leipzig, Germany

2018.06 - DEBUTS 2018 photo book, Project: "Surveillance," Publisher: "Blow Up Press," Warsaw, Poland

2018.05 - Kolga Tbilisi Photo 2018 photo book, p 294-295, ISBN 978-9941-27-9164, Tbilisi, Georgia

2018.03 - DOC! Magazine, No8 (43), March 19, 2018, Warsaw, Poland

2017.12 - Fotografija magazine, No2 (34), p. 16-17, Vilnius, Lithuania

2017.12 - Lithuanian Photography'17 – Part II, Lithuanian Art Photographers Association Foundation, Vilnius, Lithuania

2017.11 - Different Worlds, fifth edition catalogue, p26-27, Photon – Centre for Contemporary Photography, Ljubljana, Slovenia

2017.05 - Literatūra ir Menas, magazine No23 (3619), Back cover, p. 3, 20, 22, 31

2017.05 - 7md art newspaper, article "Prievaros observatorija, "Nr. 20 (1214), Vilnius, Lithuania

2017.05 - Walter Koschatzky Art Award 2017 catalogue, p. 39-41 Vienna, Austria

2016.12 - Debiutas 2016 catalogue, Publisher: Lithuanian Art Photographers Association, Vilnius, Lithuania

2016.06 - Meno Celės catalogue, p. 66-67, Vilnius Academy of Arts Publishing, Vilnius, Lithuania



2023.12.20 - BLOK Magazine, An Image is an Image is an Image. Interview by Ewa Borysiewicz

2022.11.28 - FINANCIAL TIMES, In Pictures: A Snapshot on Lithuanian Photography by Alan Knox

2022.10.09 - ArtVilnius, panel discussion, What (Else) can be done? A Conversation on Art, Ecology, Disinformation and More in the Context of the Russian War in Ukraine

2022.04.14 - Homo cultus. Iš balkono. Valentyno Odnoviuno fotografinės patirtys (in Lithuanian)

2022.03.30 - LRT News (Lithuania), Live with Lithuanian ministers on the topic of Ukrainian refugees from the Russian war in Ukraine

2022.03.08  - OSMOS magazine, Valentyn Odnoviun: Surveillance, by Ksenia Nouril, originally published in the fall of 2018

2021.04 - Museum of Now, MON Studio Sessions. Interview by Jan Gustav Fiedler, Vienna/Vilnius 2021

2020.10.01 - Bird in Flight, "Сліди війни: Зрешечені стіни у проєкті Валентина Однов'юна" by Володимир Коношевич and Олена Ковальчук

2020.09.04 - Contemporary LYNX, Vera Zborovska, interview "INSIDE VIEW In conversation with Valentyn Odnoviun"

2020.08 - EEP Berlin Gallery, Katažyna Jankovska, reflection, "Surveillance"

2020.06.26 - Literatūra ir menas, Aistė Grajauskaitė, interview, “Valentyn Odnoviun: „Didžiausią įtaką darė Lukys, Flusseris, Pollockas ir kriminalistikos ekspertai“

2019.03.06 - Wired Magazine, Laura Mallonee, article, "Think These Are Planets? They're Something Far More Sinister" 

2019.02.28 - FK Magazine, Arnis Balčus - interview, "Seeking scars of the past. Interview with Valentyn Odnoviun"

2019.01.22 -, Jim Casper, article, "A typology of abstract images leads to a visual meditation about surveillance, control and state security"

2017.05.19 -, Agnė Narušytė, article, Prievartos observatorija