“Surveillance. A Typology of Oppression” book presentation at the Latvian Museum of Photography

August 16, 2020


Presented for the first time in public, a photography book Surveillance: A Typology of Oppression contains full photo project that was exhibited only partly in 2019 at the Latvian Museum’s of Photography exhibition “In the dark”. At the event, artist will talk about his book “Surveillance. A Typology of Oppression” and his latest projects.

The event will take place on August 20, 2020 at 6 pm at the Latvian Museum of Photography, Marstalu Street 8 (entrance from Alksnaja Street).


LInk to the video presentation of the book: https://youtu.be/CFDgRTqaSWE

Information from the website of the Latvian Museum of Photography in English:


Information from the website of the Latvian Museum of Photography in Latvian:


The project is supported by the Lithuanian Council for Culture.

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